DCTV Podcast Episode 077 |
Join the whole crew as we discuss the premieres of The Flash and Arrow, plus new episodes of Gotham and Lucifer, and a whole bunch of news! Your source for all the DC shows! |
DCTV Podcast Episode 076 |
We are BACK with coverage of the Gotham and Lucifer premieres plus a whole bunch of your questions from the FB group! Listen up! |
DCTV Podcast Episode 075 |
WE'RE BACK!!! Join Darrell, Jim, Gerri and Rich as they discuss a mountain's worth of DCTV news and then on our next two episodes in our Justice League TV Club, "The Savage Time" and "Twilight"! |
DCTV Podcast Episode 074 |
Join Darrell Taylor, Gerri Atkinson and Jim Dietz as they go full spoilers in their in-depth review of Suicide Squad, then they discuss "Knight of Shadows" and "Metamorphosis" from our JLA TV Viewing Club and tons of DC TV news! Listen up! |
DCTV Podcast Episode 073 |
Aaron Neuwirth from the Out Now with Aaron and Abe Podcast and thecodeiszeek.com joins Chubtoad, Gerri, Jim and returning guest Q to discuss the Preacher season finale, the Batman The Killing Joke animated feature and a brief spoiler-free review of Suicide Squad! Listen up! |
DCTV Podcast Episode 072 |
Darrell is back from San Diego Comicon with tales of con life and a bunch of trailers for Gerri, Jim, and Chub to talk about. Then we discuss episodes 8 and 9 of Preacher and then Q joins in for next two episodes from our Justice League TV Club! |
DCTV Podcast Episode 071 |
The whole crew is here ! Join Darrell, Jim, Gerri, Chub and returning guest Que as they discuss the last two episodes of Preacher (plus the show overall), the next two episode in our Justice League Summer TV Viewing Club ("The Brave and the Bold" and "Fury") and a bunch of DC TV and movie news! And check out the very very end for a special treat! |
DCTV Podcast Episode 070 |
Join Gerri, Jim and guest Que from the Comic Nerdgasm Facebook page as they discuss the latest episode of Preacher, plus our latest installments in the Justice League TV Viewing Club, Paradise Lost and War World! For Themyscara! |
DCTV Podcast Episode 069 |
We are back with a new show recorded LIVE at HeroesCon 2016, featuring lots of guests and a bit more chaos than usual as you might imagine, but we do manage to talk about Preacher and the two episodes of the Justice League cartoon, "In Blackest Night" and "The Enemy Below"! |
DCTV Podcast Episode 068 |
No new shows? No problem! The whole crew is here to talk about the 2001 Justice League animated premiere, "Secret Origins", plus we talk some news and discuss some key issues of the CW-verse, like"Is Jay Garrick part of Rex Tyler's JSA?" and "Is this season make-or-break for Arrow?'. Listen up! |
DCTV Podcast Episode 067 |
It's Season Finale Time! Join the whole gang as we go over the finales of Gotham, The Flash and Arrow as well as the premiere of AMC's Preacher, plus we discuss: Does the CW DC universe need a reboot? All this and a few tangents and some silliness as well! |
DCTV Podcast Episode 066 |
The seasons are winding up and this week the DCTV Crew covers the season finale of Legends of Tomorrow, and the penultimate episodes of Gotham, The Flash and Arrow! |
DCTV Podcast Episode 065 |
Join Gerri, Darrell, Rich and Jim as they cover the latest episodes of Gotham, The Flash, Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow and hurtle headlong into the end of time. Or at least season finales... |
DCTV Podcast Episode 064 |
Join Gerri, Darrell, Rich and Jim as they cover the latest episodes of Gotham, The Flash, Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow, ponder who keeps the floor clean at STAR Labs, and announce our DCTV awards show! |
DCTV Podcast Episode 062 |
Join Gerri, Darrell, Rich and Jim as they discuss the season finale of Supergirl, plus new episodes of Lucifer, Gotham, The Flash, and Legends of Tomorrow! Its an action-packed episode! |
DCTV Podcast Episode 061 |
Join the entire DCTV Podcast crew as we discuss the penultimate episode of Supergirl, the latest installments of Gotham, Lucifer and Legends of Tomorrow, and the double-sized season finale of iZombie! Plus some DC animation news and our quick take of Justice League vs. Teen Titans! |